Are you taking your breaks at HIG? Track your breaks!
Published August 26, 2024
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Dear Member,
Print your HIG break tracker HERE and track your breaks
Are you struggling to take your breaks at work?
HSU members at Hunter Imaging Group have raised concerns about not getting the chance to take their paid breaks due to workload, scheduling, staffing and the environment fostered by management.
Many HIG workers say they frequently don’t take their breaks at all or can only take breaks when clients fail to show or if they manage to finish appointments early.
It’s important you take the breaks you’re entitled to!
Your enterprise agreement sets out your pay and conditions, including your breaks. You’re entitled to a “paid 10-minute tea break in each four hours worked, with two paid tea breaks of up to 10 minutes duration each for employees working a full day” (18.2.1) and that “tea breaks will be counted as time worked” (18.2.3).
You are also entitled to a 30-minute unpaid lunch break.
If HSU members are to stand together and tell HIG it’s time workers were able to take their breaks, we’ll need to demonstrate the pattern.
Print out this flyer, hang it in your workplace and mark when you actually take your breaks. After a month, sent it to your HSU organiser Tracey via 044 724 5492 or [E-Mail not displayed].
Your organiser will be on site shortly to talk about next steps.