Fresh Hope EA Bargaining Update

Health Services Union representatives met with Fresh Hope management yesterday to discuss your enterprise agreement.

As you would be aware, your current enterprise agreement passed its expiry date in October last year and Fresh Hope paid a 2% administrative wage increase at that time.

We are now starting the process of renegotiating the agreement.

All members will be represented throughout the bargaining process. If you’re not a member of the union, there’s never been a more important time to join to be represented. New members can join here: or by calling 1300 478 679.

You can find a list of union claims for the new agreement at this link, based on an analysis of the agreement and member feedback already received. All members are encouraged to have a say in this process. If there are any other things that you would like to raise as part of bargaining, please fill out this quick survey or email HSU Bargaining Officer Chris Friend at [E-Mail not displayed].  

Our next meeting with Fresh Hope management is scheduled for 11 October at 10am.

Fresh Hope are currently updating the agreement to ensure that it complies with all appropriate requirements. This will then be provided for review. We will be in contact with members once we have more information to share.

In the meantime, if you have any questions or issues you would like to raise, please contact your HSU Organiser or the HSU Office on 1300 478 679 for assistance.