Priority 1 Professional Recognition Campaign Update

  • Published September 14, 2022
  • Industries

The NSW Paramedicine workforce forum has completed the first phase of discussions with a general consensus on where Paramedicine within NSW Ambulance and Health can develop in order to enhance the NSW Health system and provide a better health outcome for communities across NSW. The ADHSU members have put to the forum that ALL NSW paramedics could operate at what is currently seen as a specialist level across the state.

ADHSU delegates to the workforce have presented the work of the ’Scope of Practice’ and ‘Roles and Responsibilities’ delegate committees to the taskforce and have been pleased at the cohesiveness of our delegates ideas and research, with that of NSW Ambulance and NSW Health.

ADHSU representatives have also been able to describe to the forum, the skills and knowledge base of paramedics and the potential for an expansion of clinical services that are possible if true paramedic professional recognition is achieved.

Examples of paramedic development such as Community Paramedics and Advanced Care Paramedics have been presented by the ADHSU and there has been a positive response to these ideas from all members of the forum.

The ADHSU members of the workforce forum have been forthright in explaining to members of the group that, while paramedics are keen to expand this scope of practice and improve services to the community it was vital that paramedic professional recognition is truly adopted by the NSW Government.

The second phase is commencing soon and this will involve the presentation and examination of the many improvements and increases in scope already adopted by NSW Paramedics since 2010. These incredible, yet unrecognised, productivity improvements already undertaken by members have enhanced health outcomes and saved lives in our community. The willingness of NSW paramedics to adopt these advancements in clinical practice up to now, clearly demonstrates the true professional standing of ADHSU paramedics. Unfortunately, this dedication has left them as the lowest paid paramedics in the country.

ADHSU delegates, using the information provided by the member committees, will be addressing those scope and practice upgrades in phase 2 of the forum in order to convince the government of the true value of our professional workforce.

Further updates will be provided as phase 2 progresses.