Whiddon Easton Park: Major Workplace Change

Whiddon Group has notified the HSU of major workplace change at Easton Park Glenfield. Please see correspondence at this link.

HSU representatives attended a meeting with Whiddon regarding this change today, 13th May 2021. Whiddon management have advised they will be commencing one-on-one consultation meetings with affected employees regarding the proposed changes to the Enrolled Nurse role.

What are the changes?

It is proposed that the 10 current Enrolled Nurse positions will be made redundant, with an option for the affected employees to be made redundant or possibly redeployed at Easton Park in an AIN role. According to management, the reason for this change is that Whiddon no longer requires the position of Enrolled Nurse as their job will now be done by the AINs, who will be assisted and monitored by the Clinical Care Coordinator.  

While Whiddon has confirmed that no other employees will be affected by the change, the decision to remove the EN role may impact your role and your workload as well. It is important that HSU members understand that this is a proposed change. You have a right to raise issues with the change and the employer must reasonably consider these concerns prior to implementation.

Any member with questions or concerns is encouraged to contact your Organiser Anita Bhattarai Pangeni on 0455 995 966 or email her at [E-Mail not displayed].

If you know a colleague that is not yet an HSU member, encourage them to join today at www.hsu.asn.au/join or over the phone on 1300 478 679.