IMPORTANT MEETING: Closure of Rosedurnate Centre, sale of Moyne Centre

Dear Members,

The Salvation Army have contacted workers at the Moyne Aged Care Plus Centre & the Rosedurnate Aged Care Plus Centre regarding major workplace changes but blocked your HSU representatives from joining these crucial meetings.

The Salvation Army has chosen to close the Rosedurnate Centre in Parkes and sell the Moyne Centre in Canowindra to Roshana Care Group.

Despite the gravity of these changes, HSU members at these workplaces were denied their right to union representation, as their organiser was barred from access to these meetings.

The HSU has received two FAQ factsheets regarding the changes. You can read Rosedurnate’s here and Moyne’s here.

Come to an important online meeting TOMORROW (Thursday 16/5) at 1pm to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with this process.

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 892 4995 6682

Please ensure to contact the HSU about any upcoming individual consultation meetings on 1300 478 679 or via your organiser, Emmett Gray, on 0499 919 355 or [E-Mail not displayed].

Encourage your workmates to join the HSU. Together you have strength in your workplace. New members can join online at or call 1300 478 679.