HSU members are what makes our union special and strong

For Our Members

It's the active involvement of HSU members that determines our direction and whether we succeed or fail. We know that we can reach for the stars because we have the backing of our fellow members.

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Find Assistance

Need help or guidance?

Between our Member Services and Industrial Divisions, we've got the highly skilled and caring staff to provide you with the information, guidance and support to navigate the challenges of your workplace.

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Get Involved

A successful union is made up of active members

Getting involved in the Union could mean all sorts of things – from attending a meeting or a rally, to signing a petition, to representing your fellow members in campaigns and committees. You can decide what level of involvement feels comfortable for you.


Resources & Training

Delegates & activists are the backbone of our union

The HSU provides training courses and provides resources for delegates and activists to help you in your role.