Social Media Posting Guidelines

Health Services Union social media channels are a space for members and the public to engage with each other online and around HSU content. It’s important that this is a safe, inclusive space acknowledging that robust discussion is encouraged.

While engaging with HSU social media channels you accept that the HSU may edit, remove, or exercise its discretion not to accept or publish your contribution. We may take a decision to remove your comments/s for legal, editorial, or operational reasons including if we consider your comment/s to be:

  • racist, sexist, homophobic, or in any way discriminatory, or in any way divides our membership;
  • abusive, offensive, or obscene;
  • false or misleading;
  • an infringement of intellectual property rights including copyright;
  • inappropriate, irrelevant, repetitive, or vexatious;
  • seeking to dominate the conversation;
  • compromising the privacy or safety of any person or containing inappropriate personal information;
  • seeking to endorse commercial products or services, or soliciting donations;
  • impersonating someone else and/or posting on behalf of a suspended member; and/or
  • unlawful including comments that violate laws regarding harassment, discrimination, racial vilification, privacy, and/or defamation. 

If you breach these guidelines, the Health Services Union may block your account or contributions.