A milestone in health: Ministry lowers COVID alert

Health workers across the country have upheld the highest standards to keep our communities safe during COVID.

Long after most have returned to ‘business as usual’, HSU members have been observing strict prevention and control measures in health settings and while providing care in the community, putting patient safety ahead of your own comfort.

Yesterday, the Ministry of Health advised they have reviewed the current alert level under the NSW IPAC Framework for Respiratory and COVID Safe Healthcare. On Wednesday 30 August, they will transition from ‘yellow alert’ to ‘foundational level’.

The main change involved will be that NSW Health staff will no longer be required to wear masks in all clinical and patient facing areas.

This is a significant moment. It marks a point in time when we can take pride in HSU members’ extraordinary work, while remembering the difficulty and trauma that COVID has meant for so many.

This revised alert level doesn’t mean that we abandon our commitment to vulnerable members of the community, nor does it mean you can’t continue to protect yourself when you feel it is necessary. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out via [E-Mail not displayed] or by contacting 1300 478 679.