Allied Health briefing re industrial action TONIGHT

HSU public health members are taking stop work action on Thursday 7 April.  

Despite repeated efforts to negotiate fair and reasonable pay increases and conditions for Health Professionals the NSW government has refused to engage in meaningful discussion. Enough is Enough!  

HSU members have spoken – overwhelmingly, members want to take action to secure a fair and meaningful pay rise. Throughout the pandemic, HSU Health Professional members have risked infection taking care of the community, get people out of hospital and keep people out of hospital yet the government insists on refusing a pay increase to keep up with the cost of living.  

Across all streams the current Health Professionals awards are out of date and not fit for purpose, we’ve heard your complaints loud and clear, but we cannot renegotiate them because of the NSW governments wage policy. Tonight, you’ll hear how Thursday is a major step towards modernising awards, recognising the complexity of your work, updating classifications to reflect what you do and no longer going backwards every year compared to other workers.  

Unfortunately, the government has made clear they will not recognise your contribution and provide the dignity of a fair pay increase so this Thursday we need all members standing together to walk out for wage justice.  

Join me this evening on Zoom for a special Health Professionals members briefing on the action and why this is an important step to improve pay, conditions, and respect for HSU Health Professional members. Register here to join us tonight at 6pm.