CCLHD Medical Imaging: Take Your Breaks!

A zoom meeting for HSU members across CCLHD was recently held, which gave members an opportunity to raise a number of issues which the Union is now pursuing. The HSU has subsequently held a meeting with management to address concerns raised by members in Medical Imaging. One of the most contentious points related to members not being able to take meal breaks in accordance with the Award.

Meal breaks are mandatory, and generally no employee should work more than 4 hours without a meal break. This may be extended to 5 hours if there is agreement between management and the employee.

These Award entitlements are there to ensure a safe work environment by having employees well rested and nourished. This is not the responsibility of employees, but of management.

The HSU advises members to take their breaks in accordance with the Award. If noone is there to relieve you, the equipment is to be turned off and you should proceed on their meal break. Should any member be challenged by management on this issue, advise them you are following HSU advice, provide them with a copy of this newsletter and advise them to contact the HSU Organiser.

You should not accept breaches of your Award rights because of inadequate staffing.

If you know someone who is affected by this issue, but isn’t yet an HSU member, tell them to join today and have a say. New members can join at or call 1300 478 679.