HSU Dietitian Services Award Reform: Industrial Advisory Committee

HSU Dietitian Services members have been underpaid, under supported and overworked for years. In 2011, the NSW Government introduced a wages cap which prevented new Awards being made. Since then, members’ pay and conditions have in effect been stuck in 2011, while other states and sectors where Dietitian Services staff work race ahead.

HSU members campaigned to remove this wages cap and commence overdue Award Reform to improve pay and conditions. Structural change like this is the only way to fix the attraction and retention crisis for Dietitian staff.

Starting next week, Award negotiations will commence for the first time in a decade. Now is the time to be involved in this historic opportunity!

For 12 months, HSU Dietitian members have been preparing and researching claims for Award negotiations. The greater the member involvement, the more effective we will be!

Now is the time for all Dietitian Services staff to join this Committee to ensure we have a member led structure negotiating Awards – whether you are a Dietitian or a Diet Aide you are needed!

THE TIME TO JOIN IS NOW! We do not get a second chance at award reform.

If you would like to join the Committee or have any questions, please email: [E-Mail not displayed].

The only requirement is to be a financial HSU member. If you know of a colleague who is not an HSU Member and wants to be a part of award reform, they can join at www.hsu.asn.au/join or call 1300 478 679.