HSU Win: Private Contractors out of Linen

  • Published May 12, 2023

HealthShare NSW has advised that a decision has been made to end its contract agreement with Linen Services Australia. It means that the current 50 tonnes of linen handled by LSA will return to HealthShare Linen facilities in Newcastle, Parramatta and Orange.

This is win for HSU members, who have demonstrated yet again that there is no rival to publicly-run linen services.

In 2016, HSU members defeated a proposal to outsource linen handling by the then-government. This time, we have shown again that public services should always stay in public hands – and that no one does a better job than the HSU members who work in HealthShare Linen facilities.

HealthShare has also confirmed it will create a project team that will review workforce levels based on the increased work the return of the 50 tonnes will have by December 2023. HSU members will maintain the pressure to make sure there is sufficient staffing.

You can view the correspondence here.

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