Hunter Imaging Group: Next bargaining meeting confirmed

Dear Member,

Last week HSU members expressed their disappointment that Hunter Imaging Group (HIG) had cancelled our last bargaining meeting and appeared to be stalling the bargaining process.

We are now pleased to confirm HIG have scheduled the next meeting for Wednesday 17 April to progress negotiations for a fair Enterprise Agreement.

Make sure to keep informed and involved for a better result! Members will be provided with an update at our next members zoom meeting, details below:

When: Wednesday 17 April

Time: 6.30pm

Where: Online

Zoom link:

Members will also receive an SMS with the link closer to meeting date.

If you have any questions or concerns about the bargaining process, please contact Brendan Roberts via email [E-Mail not displayed] or phone 0425 181 361.

Winning a fair Enterprise Agreement will take all of us working together! Know any of your colleagues who haven’t yet joined the union? Encourage them to take the plunge today at www.hsu.asn/join or 1300 478 679.