It's time to take action - let's make this one count

I spoke to you last week about the industrial action that HSU members will be taking this Thursday 7 April. Now I want to tell you some of the specifics.

Why are we taking action?

The NSW Government has refused to listen to HSU members’ concerns about their pay falling behind inflation. The government is happy to talk about ‘healthcare heroes’ till the cows come home, but they won’t give you the respect you deserve.

Now HSU members across the state are joining stop work meetings on Thursday 7 April.

Unless we take action now, health workers’ pay could slip even further behind while cost of living soars. We need an immediate pay rise in excess of 5% just to catch up.

What are we doing?

Members across the state will be attending stop work meetings of between two and four hours outside their hospitals. Members will receive further information about what’s happening at your worksite this week.

Ambulance members will be taking action between 7am and 8am.

Why is it important that everyone takes action?

Members in HSU-covered classifications make up 48% of the public health system, yet the government thinks we don’t matter.

If we don’t show how serious we are – and how strong we are – we’ll prove them right.

Let’s stand up together for wage justice.