NSWA refuses to meet consultation obligations

  • Published March 19, 2024
  • Industries

ADHSU members were rudely reminded yesterday that the Service feels their obligation to consult with staff on matters that profoundly affect their work can be overridden by senior executives saying “that’s enough talking for now, we’re planning to move forward.”

The Service’s proposed changes to the Frontline Leadership Model (FLM) will radically change the way paramedics work by shifting the roles and responsibilities of DOMs and SOs. As more paramedics have joined the Service, there’s been a huge lag in maintaining the required level of frontline managers.

Although the solutions are clear to members – i.e., increase the number of Frontline Managers and reduce burdensome tasks that take away from managing paramedic welfare – the Service has not so far produced anything members have confidence in.

Yesterday in a 30-minute meeting about the new FLM, the Service showed that they don’t care about their obligation to consult when they informed ADHSU delegates they would be proceeding with implementation of their proposed major restructure, without giving ADHSU members a chance to look over the latest draft document.

ADHSU delegates initiated the status quo provision of the dispute process, however NSWA refused to participate. Instead they stated they will continue with their plan but will meet further with delegates on Friday as that was the soonest executives were available. Isn’t it funny how a meeting about the safety of staff and managers can wait, but a directive to them to improve KPIs has to be implemented immediately?

With that in mind, and in response to this flagrant disregard for genuine consultation, ADHSU members voted at a stop work meeting this morning to implement four KPI bans.

  1. No signing on to MDT until a complete commencement of shift car check is done. Noting that this can take more than 15 minutes now with all we have to check. We are still doing voice sign on, this is not to delay a response, and if you are called to respond to a job while completing checks, reply as per normal. i.e. “I've not completed signing out medications / completing my checks, do you still need me to respond straight away?” – if yes, as soon as that job is complete, request to return to station to complete checks.
  2. No formal sick leave management discussions for KPI purposes. If managers have welfare concerns, or if a member needs to talk to a manager about their leave that is fine, but checking purely for NSWA KPIs is banned.
  3. No formal PDP discussions for KPI purposes. If staff want to discuss their professional goals, this will always be supported by DOMs.
  4. No HETI - this is different to MCPD Jannison skill upgrades. If Ambulance execs took these courses seriously there would be follow up, direct discussions and customised for NSWA staff.

These bans are now in effect.