Ramsay: Show us the money!

Important campaign zoom meeting next Tuesday – details below

Ramsay have put forward a wage offer to members which is frankly insulting and demonstrates how out of touch they are with their workers in middle of a cost-of-living crisis.

Now let’s consider this:

Ramsay posted a net profit of $379 million last year.

Currently, Ramsay are reducing hours and staffing levels through a series of restructures and redundancies. They are in the final stages of acquiring Orange Private Hospital and have committed millions of dollars to hospital expansions over the next 3-5 years.

Despite all of this, Ramsay is crying poor and saying they can’t afford a wage increase of more than 2.5% this year.

Who are they kidding?

We need to come together and set their priorities straight. Workers should come first – not hospital executives and shareholders!

Make sure to talk to your friends and colleagues and come along to our next member zoom update to have your say in our campaign for fair wages:

Date: Tuesday 27 June
Time: 6:30pm
Zoom link: https://hsu-asn-au.zoom.us/j/84312732791

For more information, contact your workplace delegates or Union Organiser.