Sonographers Award Reform Info Session 14 March

Come to the Westmead Sonographers catch up on March, Thursday 14 March.   


In NSW, sonographers have worked under outdated awards that do not recognise their professional competencies. As a result, they are paid significantly less and are placed on awards based on the qualifications they hold, not the work being performed.   


HSU members have commenced the Award reform process to fight for Awards that reflect the true value of your work as professionals. We are calling on all Sonographers at Westmead Hospital to join us for 45 minutes over lunch to catch up on Award Reform updates and talk about how you can have your say. 


Join Seth, Westmead Nuclear Medicine HSU Delegate, and your HSU Organisers on 14 March 2024 (Thursday), 12:30 to 1:15p.m. at Westmead Nuclear Medicine Department Seminar Room. 


We have a huge opportunity ahead of us to collectively change the future of Allied Health! 


If you are interested in attending, please RSVP HERE. Feel free to bring a colleague or two with you – snacks will be provided. 


You may also send any questions you have to Shania (HSU Organiser) at [E-Mail not displayed]

Lastly, if you know a colleague who is not yet an HSU member and wants to take part in the award reform, they can join at