Unconfirmed minutes, Long Jetty Hospital USCC

The HSU has received the unconfirmed minutes of the Long Jetty Union-Specific Consultative Committee (USCC) meeting held 10 December 2021. In attendance were your HSU representatives, as well as representatives from CCLHD and NSWNMA.

You can view the minutes at this link.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding these minutes, please contact your HSU Organiser Matt Ramsay via email [E-Mail not displayed] or 0419 553 105.

Your Organiser will soon be visiting Long Jetty Hospital soon to catch up with members and hear from you about any issues you’d like to raise. We will also be seeking expressions of interest from members who would like to attend future USCC meetings on behalf of your fellow HSU members. If this sounds like you, please get in contact with your Organiser via the above contact details or speak to him when he’s on site.

Know someone who isn’t an HSU member? Tell them to get on board today and have a say. New members can join at www.hsu.asn.au/join or call 1300 478 679. We are stronger together.