Wyong and Gosford PSAs Stand United on Transfer Proposal

In a great display of solidarity, PSA members at Gosford and Wyong have voted unanimously against the transfer proposal of a non-clinical escort while patients receive IV/Oxygen treatment. 

This proposal is a reckless and dangerous band-aid solution to inadequate staffing levels. HSU members at Wyong Hospital have already initiated dispute protocols and notified management.

Next steps for Gosford Hospital PSAs:

  1. No PSA should transfer alone except from ED to X-Ray, G3, H3 or SSU. All other areas are to have a clinician accompany the transfer if the patient is receiving IV and/or Oxygen treatment.
  2. These transfers are on a volunteer basis only. If a PSA declines, there are to be no further discussions with those who have declined as to why or refusal of duties etc.
  3. No other department or IPU is to ‘piggyback’ on this. If this occurs all HSU members will immediately withdraw participation in this process.
  4. Absolutely no patient under 18 years of age is to be transferred alone, regardless of condition or diagnosis.
  5. Handovers to be completed prior to the PSA commencing transfer. No PSA to do handovers or relay messages.

If any of these conditions are breached, HSU members will withdraw all participation in the trial.

Next steps for Wyong Hospital PSAs:

  1. Unaccompanied transfers are only be completed from ED to X-ray or SSU. All other areas are to have a clinician accompany the transfer of the patient is receiving IV and/or Oxygen treatment.

All PSA members should stand strong with this campaign and we’ll support each other through the process.

If you have any queries or concerns, please contact your organiser Matt Ramsay on 0419 553 105.