ACL members take next step in EBA fight

HSU members have been campaigning for an enterprise agreement for workers at Australian Clinical Labs, so that you can negotiate a fair deal that recognises the value of your work.

Disappointingly, after several meetings, ACL has now chosen to walk away from their commitment to bargain with HSU members for a new agreement.

It’s frustrating that ACL has turned their back on their workers. But it doesn’t end here.

HSU members have now applied to the Fair Work Commission for a Majority Support Determination to commence Enterprise Agreement negotiations. This means that, if enough workers have signed the petition, your employer could be obliged to come to the bargaining table.

Members will be kept updated with the progress of the application. In the meantime, speak to your colleagues about why it’s important to stick together and fight for an EBA. ACL workers deserve more than the rock bottom minimum.

Know someone who isn’t an HSU member? Encourage them to join our Union today and have a say. We are always stronger when we stand together.

New members can join at or call 1300 478 679.