Bankstown Hospital Sub Branch AGM

One of the most important dates of the year is fast approaching: the Annual General Meeting of the Bankstown Hospital Sub Branch.

Details of the meeting are below:

Date: Thursday 31 March 2022
Venue: Staff Cafeteria
Time: 11:30am

The HSU is strongly encouraging members to consider nominating for executive and committee positions, to represent your fellow members and determine the direction of the Sub Branch going forward.

Would you like to see positive changes at your worksite? Do you enjoy helping others? Do you have ideas about campaigns and membership drives the Union can run in the workplace?

If so, please consider nominating for a position or have discussions with a fellow union member who may be interested in nominating for a position on the Sub Branch.

Nomination forms can be accessed in the Secretary Kit in the HSU Member Portal here.

Positive change doesn’t occur at work without dedicated individuals working together to achieve it. A union is built on the principle of mutual support – if you know someone who should be in the union but isn’t, encourage them to join today by visiting or call 1300 478 679.