Bupa Care Services: Your new agreement - Have your say Wednesday!

Join us on Wednesday 21 June at 5:00pm to discuss your EA – See link below!

HSU members will be meeting Wednesday 21 June to discuss our top priorities for the next enterprise agreement and agree on the union claims we will propose to management.

HSU members have been calling for better pay, fairer access to sick and person leave and improvements to allowances.

At Wednesday’s meeting we will formally endorse the claims and then provide those to management. Wednesday’s meeting will also be a chance to meet the bargaining team and ask any questions about the process.  

When: Wednesday 21 June

Time: 5:00pm

Link: https://hsu-asn-au.zoom.us/j/85083675798?from=addon

Not a member of the HSU? Now is time to join and have your say! You can join online at www.hsu.asn.au/join or call 1300 478 679 and join over the phone.

Our power in these negotiations depends on the strength and unity of union members. Encourage your colleagues to join the HSU today and be part of the team campaigning for better wages and conditions in aged care!