Cameras at Tweed AVEO

During a recent organiser visit members raised concerns in relation to recently installed security cameras. Members reported that AVEO had installed security cameras and now some residents had private cameras in their rooms.

In relation to cameras installed by AVEO there is specific legislation in NSW in regards to workplace surveillance called Workplace Surveillance Act 2005. When cameras are installed in a workplace, workers have a right to written notification and consultation 14 days in advance of the operation date. Signage needs to be displayed above the entry to areas where security cameras are operating.

Another issue of real concern was the use of private cameras; specifically who owns them, who is watching the footage, what happened to the data collected, and where it is being displayed (social or mainstream media). 

The Health Services Union wrote to AVEO raising members’ concerns. AVEO has now responded by assuring that all staff would be provided with a copy of AVEO surveillance policy and adequate signage be installed to be compliant. Further to this AVEO shared our concerns regarding family members installing surveillance equipment in residents’ rooms and have agreed to remove them immediately.

If members have any further concerns around cameras in the building or any other workplace issue they are encouraged to contact local HSU organiser Kirk Rostock at [E-Mail not displayed]

This is another example of HSU local members working together to get a positive outcome. If you are not already a member of the HSU there is no time like the present. Being a member means issues get raised and resolved- and it’s reassuring to know support is only a phone call away. You can join online at  or ring 1300 478 679 to join over the phone.