Cerebral Palsy Alliance: Clock-in mobile app

Your HSU representatives have recently been in discussions with Cerebral Palsy Alliance (CPA) regarding the newly introduced clock-in mobile phone app.

With the removal of the bundy clock-in devices, we understand that many members have been feeling uneasy about how to clock-in if they don’t want to use the app or don’t have a compatible smart phone. While CPA has assured us that this is only an additional option, not a workplace change, and that there are also clock-in options through the desktop app, our members have reported this isn’t always the case.

At this link you can find the manual that CPA has provided us (also apparently available on staff intranet) instructing staff on how to clock-in using a desktop computer. However, we have received reports that there are issues with this system as well. We urge any members who are having issues with the new clock-in system, Rosterspace, or who doesn’t want to use the phone app to please get in contact with HSU organiser Emmett Gray on 0499 919 355 or at [E-Mail not displayed].

Do you know someone who isn’t a member of the HSU? Send them this email and make sure they are represented.

Being a member of the HSU means there’s always someone by your side, fighting for your rights. New members can join online at www.hsu.asn.au/join or call 1300 478 679 and join over the phone.