Crossing from amber to red COVID zones
Published July 1, 2021
Members are aware that the current health order says that if you live or work in a red zone you must comply with a ‘stay at home’ provision, meaning you can only leave home for four reasons, one of them being work.
If a paramedic crew is sent across from amber to red, they are required to stay at home – including during school holidays.
On that basis, no ADHSU member is to agree to a shift movement from amber to red zones.
We have been in talks with the CE this evening and have reached this interim arrangement regarding transports that will be reviewed tomorrow morning.
ADHSU crews will only be directed to cross from amber to red zones to avoid what is ‘believed’ to be a possible adverse outcome to a patient, and for all P1 and P2 jobs. That means the vast majority of R3s should not be transported by an amber zone crew to a red zone.
A red zone crew can go into an amber zone including to transport an R3 from amber to red.
We will continue to reach out to NSWA to seek a better solution that is transparent and rock solid.
To avoid doubt, all P1 and P2 jobs should be completed as per normal. R3s from amber to red should not be completed by an amber crew unless it’s believed that there will be an adverse outcome to the patient. Please report any R3s that were clearly between the flags to your delegate to assist in tomorrow’s review.
We will update members on this issue tomorrow.