Introducing Gwenny Asimus - Your new HSU Organiser

Introducing Gwenny Asimus! Gwenny is assisting in the role of Industrial Organiser in your area. Your previous organiser has left to pursue a career change and Gwenny was more than happy to step up and help our members during these challenging times.

Gwenny has extensive experience in the Health sector, with 22 years in NSW Ambulance followed by eHealth. Having already worked with the HSU in the role of Growth and Development Organiser, Gwenny is excited to serve in the role of Industrial Organiser for the HNE South area. As a proud member of the HSU since 1998, Gwenny is well and truly part of the family. 

This week is Gwenny’s first week in the Industrial Organiser role, so please reach out if you need to. You can contact her on mobile 0448 856 024 or email [E-Mail not displayed].

Looking forward to catching up with you all in the near future.  Please do not hesitate to contact the HSU if needed, and stay safe and healthy.