MPU/Transit Lounge and Allied Health update

Dear Member,

The HSU has received an update from HNELHD around the MPU and Transit Lounge.

The update reads:

‘A proposed model has been reviewed and approved by the District and is in line with that of a medical assessment Short Stay Unit.

To date, nursing has an Expression of Interest that was interviewed 18.3.2024 for a Nurse Unit Manager for a period of 12 weeks to assist in engaging key stakeholders to ensure the unit is set up to provide evidence care patient care. The NUM role is to direct, co-ordinate and supervise the provision of services for the Multi-Purpose Unit and Transit Lounge at Manning Hospital to maximize the health outcomes for patients/clients. The NUM will Manage the day to day clinical and operational management of the unit.

An Administration Officer 1.0 FTE has been recruited to (Ward Clerk 0.5FTE, CID [Medical Records] 0.5FTE). The staff member has commenced on 4/3/24 and is currently undertaking orientation and training across the combined role.

The unit is opening temporarily, and Manning hospital is reducing the surge bed utilised on the hospital’s inpatient wards. Extra resources are evaluated on an as needed approach. 

We are also currently in the process of pulling together a position description to recruit a fulltime cleaner/porter/ store /linen position for this unit. This role will have dual responsibilities and will be graded in accordance with the award.’

The HSU has acknowledged the correspondence and looks forward to consultation moving forward.  In relation to concerns raised about Allied Health and weekend work, HNELHD has stated the below:

‘At this time there is no change to the conditions for current Allied Health employees. However, general discussions are taking place with all Allied Health staff regarding flexible working and this includes opportunities for changed roster patterns and working hours at the weekend or on public holidays with remuneration in line with the award.’

The HSU has called for these talks to cease immediately, and proper consultation occur around the above.

If you are employed as a ‘Day Worker’ you can NOT be compelled to do shift work - this is a precedence from 2019 when Health Pathology tried to compel day workers to become shift workers in response to staffing shortfalls.

Commissioner Sloan states: ‘I find that the Health Employees’ Conditions of Employment (State) Award 2018 does not entitle NSW Health Pathology to compel employees who are “day workers” as defined under that Award to commence working to a 24/7 rotating shift work roster without their agreement.’

A full copy of the ruling can be found in the link below if members would like to read further. Commissioner Sloan’s findings can be found at the bottom of the document:

If you are asked to sign a new contract or roster agreement, please speak with the HSU in the first instance to fully understand your rights. You can reach your organiser Matt Ramsay on 0419 553 105 or our member services team on 1300 478 679.