NNSWLHD Community & Allied Health Restructure: Urgent Meeting

The HSU has received correspondence from NNSWLHD providing an update in relation to the Community and Allied Health restructure.

The LHD has advised that they will proceed with the implementation of the Community and Allied Health restructure. See the attached correspondence here.

The HSU is holding an urgent member meeting on Monday 7 November 2022 at 12pm. At this meeting, the HSU will provide an update on the restructure and discuss strategies to mitigate any adverse effects or implications of the restructure.

It is imperative that members attend the meeting, as the feedback and concerns you raise during the meeting will guide the Union and inform our discussions with the LHD.

Members should be assured that the HSU will be taking all possible steps to protect your rights and the future of your profession.

Register for the meeting here: