Royal Far West: FWC approves your new Enterprise Agreement

Recently the Fair Work Commission approved your new Royal Far West Enterprise Agreement. This means that your new agreement is now in operation and is enforceable by the HSU for all HSU members.

The Commission approved the agreement after Royal Far West was required to make additional commitments to ensure the agreement met the legal requirements for approval, including:

•       The Employer will not withhold monies if an employee fails to give the notice specified in the agreement. Unless it is authorised in writing by the employee
•       Overtime for casual employees now applicable in accordance to the relevant award percentage
•       Increased night shift allowances

You can find a copy of the new agreement here. Your agreement outlines your rights and conditions at work, so please have a read of it and keep a copy for yourself. If you have any questions, please contact HSU Organiser Emmett Gray on 0499 919 355 or at [E-Mail not displayed].

Your agreement includes a 3% pay increase from the first pay period on or after 1 July 2023. All HSU members should check their pay in July and make sure that you have received this increase.

If you do not receive your pay increase and you think you may have missed out, please contact the union so that we can follow up for you.

Staying strong and united.

If your colleagues are not yet HSU members, ask them to join so that they can also have their voice heard. They can join now by visiting or calling 1300 HSU NSW.