St Basil's members vote down unfair enterprise agreement

Voting closed last week, and St Basil’s proposed agreement was voted down. Management have been told loud and clear their wage offer isn’t good enough.

This is an important result. You and your colleagues stood your ground and achieved this.

Where do we go from here?

Bargaining isn’t over. HSU members will be meeting to discuss key resolutions in our campaign to win a fair wage increase that is reflective of our work. Organisers will be on site to talk to members about the campaign.

Join your fellow union members to continue the fight:

HSU Member Meeting

When: Thursday 5 October
Time: 1:00pm OR 6:00pm

The greater our numbers, the stronger our fight. Let’s stick together and push for a better outcome! If your colleagues are not yet HSU members, they can join online at today.

HSU members will be kept up to date as negotiations progress.