St Vincent's Medical Imaging: Enterprise Agreement Update

Well done on standing together to bring your employer to the table to bargain for your enterprise agreement!

To keep updated on these negotiations and have your say, make sure to join the WhatsApp group for HSU members at St Vincents Clinic Medical Imaging and Nuclear Medicine:

There has been some great feedback from the group already on what you’d like to prioritise in the enterprise agreement negotiations. An HSU members’ meeting has been scheduled to discuss all of these suggestions and finalise the log of claims to take into bargaining. Please see details below:

Where: Online
When: Tuesday 24 October
Time: 6pm

Continue to post any suggestions in the WhatsApp group or email them to [E-Mail not displayed].

Bargaining for an agreement is about strength in numbers. We can get better results with more members.

If you have colleagues haven’t yet joined, encourage them to have their say and help build union power by joining us at or call 1300 HSU NSW.