The new government has had long enough: Stop work zoom 0700-0800, May 9

During the election, the ALP then-opposition ran hard on scrapping the cap, ‘addressing’ paramedic professional pay, and returning 100% of salary packaging benefits to HSU-covered health workers in the first term.

As of Monday morning (8th of May), HSU has heard nothing official from the Premier or Treasurer on any of the above – six long weeks after the election.

The professional pay, scrapping the cap, and stopping the steal (of salary packaging benefits) battle restarts tomorrow morning at the stop work of all ADHSU members from 0700-0800.

All off-duty members should log on and attend. Duty on-road members should attend and participate unless given a 1A, 1B, 1C, or 2i – any other jobs can wait. Control and other members attend and participate where paramedic and patient safety is assured.

A link to the stop work zoom meeting will be texted to all members this evening.

See you in the morning.