Your contract and hours of work at RFBI Leeton

It’s been raised that the historical issue of recontracting at RFBI Leeton hasn’t been resolved yet. If you haven’t are still yet to be recontracted for your actual hours worked, please get in contact with your local HSU Delegate or Organiser Emmett Gray on 0499 919 355 or at [E-Mail not displayed] ASAP.

Your Organiser has contacted management who have responded with the following: “staff wishing to have their contracts reviewed have been requested to submit the request in writing”.

Although this hasn’t been the case previously, requests to be recontracted must be submitted in writing to management. If you need any assistance in submitting these requests, please contact HSU Organiser Emmett Gray on 0499 919 355 or [E-Mail not displayed].

Do you know someone who isn’t a member of the HSU? New members can join online at or call 1300 478 679 and join over the phone.