Big Changes at Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology
Published June 15, 2022
Imagine this: You’re wearing 3 layers of plastic during one of the hottest summers in Australia’s history, putting your own health on the line to help others.
For HSU members in private pathology services, this was their reality. At the height of the pandemic pathology staff expected to work around the clock for the public and lining the pockets of pathology companies all while these workers haven’t seen a meaningful pay increase in years. Sarah* (not members real name for privacy reasons) stated that she feels like, “It’s really just another slap in the face to us. We don’t feel like we’re listened to, we don’t feel like we’re getting anywhere” when asked what it was like working for private pathology.
On the 18th of July 2021 the HSU reached out to pathology staff at Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology about their current Certified Workplace Agreement (CWA) and their views on the agreement. Since then, private pathology members have attended meeting with Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology across New South Wales, Act and Queensland to discuss the alterations that must be done to stop the industry from collapsing.
Subsequently, the HSU and out member are gearing up to fight, fight for our rights and to pay us a liveable wage with the increasing load of inflation.
Our members are a force to be reckoned with, private pathology members have gone out to the media to educate the community about the issues that have been occurring behind closed doors. HSU delegates have met time and time again at the bargaining table with Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology is to try to reach an outcome for our members that ensures they are taken care of, and the company doesn’t continue to make a fortune off their workforce. A member has stated that
“Everybody else is being, you know, rewarded. It seems the companies that we work for, particularly up the ladder. And then we just get ignored. It’s just – it’s like getting another kick in the teeth.”
On the 2nd of September 2022, we are once again we are back at the bargaining table showing management that we are all worth more. Members are stepping up and getting active.
We’re going to continue to hold these companies accountable and keep battling for better pay and conditions. HSU members are uniting together to demand better and we are always ready for a fight!