Private Health Update

  • Published June 15, 2022
ACL: Couriers take a united stand for a safer workplace

For the last few months, Courier members from ACL Management and Health and Safety Reps (HSRs) have been consulting with their organisation about significant changes to workloads and runs affecting the Courier work group.

Throughout engagement and discussions, a number of issues were raised which members believed would have an impact on their health and safety while performing their duties. These include:

  • Providing training on the new systems and runs
  • System to manage time pressures, fatigue and mental stress, and vehicle maintenance
  • Manual handling concerns
  • Oversized and overused equipment
  • Pay entitlements and pay advice irregularities

Members and HSRs made numerous requests for complete information to ensure members’ safety, however ACL failed to provide this information in full.

On the 12th July, the Courier-elected Health and Safety Representatives formally wrote to ACL with these concerns.

The HSU will always stand up and fight for members’ rights to be safe in their workplace, and is looking at all options to ensure this takes place.

Healthe Care Enterprise Bargaining Commences

Healthe Care notified the HSU of their intention to commence bargaining for a new enterprise agreement in July; the first bargaining meeting is scheduled for 2nd August.

Healthe Care proposed to combine the existing ‘Health Professionals and Support Services Agreement’ and the ‘Day Procedure Centres Health Professionals and Support Services Agreement’ into one consolidated EBA.

The HSU is holding a mass meeting at the end of July to discuss the next steps in the EBA campaign with members, and answer any questions regarding this process. The HSU and members encourage colleagues to join the union to have their say.

Ramsay thinks 2.5% is a fair wage increase. What do you think?

Late June, the Bargaining Committee met again to continue advocating for a fair wage increase for members. The HSU asked Ramsay representatives if they believed the current offer of 2.5% for this year and 8% over the next three years is fair and reasonable.

They responded ‘yes we do.’

It’s clear that Ramsay think a real wages cut is what members deserve, as recognition their contribution to Ramsay’s business.

The HSU and fellow Ramsay members encourage their colleagues to join the union, attend member meetings, and communicate to get what they deserve!