BaptistCare Forster: Workload management update, FWC action

Yesterday, HSU members and Industrial Representatives were at the Fair Work Commission about excessive workloads at BaptistCare Forster.

It is no secret that your facility has faced understaffing, impacting you and your colleagues who bear the brunt of the problem. HSU delegates have reported members going without rest and meal breaks. Your delegates have raised workload concerns with management, only to see little change. That is exactly what the Commission heard yesterday.

Despite maintaining that the facility had adequate staffing levels, and members have enough opportunity to take their breaks, BaptistCare have been told by the conciliating Commissioner to provide an explanation as to how this is the case given the evidence put by members.

BaptistCare management have agreed to meet with HSU Industrial Officers and members to have a serious discussion regarding workload management and understaffing. Management has also committed to providing a written update detailing steps taken, and progress made, to address workload management issues.

The Commissioner has asked that if members continue to have concerns that this dispute comes back to the Fair Work Commission.

This is a really important step in addressing workload management at Forster – and it wouldn’t have happened if members hadn’t stood together.

It is important now more than ever that BaptistCare Forster maintains solidarity. Members have done an outstanding job at coming forward with these issues and I would encourage you to tell your colleagues about this. If your fellow staff members aren’t already part of the HSU, tell them to join today at