Feros announces Byron closure

Feros met with HSU representatives yesterday to advise they are planning to close the Byron facility and they intend to build an “Intergenerational Community Facility” on the site. Feros said that the decision was made due to the unsuitability of the facility to manage the increasing higher care residents.

Management was not able to confirm the timetable for closure however they indicated they expected the facility would close before the end of the year.

HSU members deserve security and confidence in the process during this major change.

Feros has an obligation to look at suitable redeployment opportunities for staff in both residential and community care. If suitable redeployment isn’t an available option, then redundancies will be provided to impacted staff.

Your local HSU Organiser, Kirk Rostock, will be visiting all facilities next week to answer questions and provide support to members. You can meet with Kirk at the following times and locations.

Wommin Bay – Monday 6 March, 9am-1pm
Byron – Tuesday 7 March, 9am-3pm
Bangalow – Wednesday 8 March, 9am-3pm 

If you cannot get to local meetings or just wish to speak to Kirk, feel free to ring him on 0488 086 907.

It’s important that we stick together and support each other through major changes like this. HSU members will get advice and advocacy throughout this process. If you know someone who isn’t a member yet let them know new members can join online at www.hsu.asn.au/join or by calling 1300 478 679.