HSU Peer Workers Update: Finally, some progress on framework

The HSU Peer Workers Advisory Committee held a meeting with the Minister for Mental Health, Rose Jackson last Tuesday 10 October to highlight the need for a real employment framework for the Peer Workforce.

The Peer Workforce has been waiting 10 years for a framework to provide consistency, equity, and fairness to employment practices Peer Workers experience across Networks and Districts. This is not good enough!

Despite members’ strong advocacy over the last 12 months, the Ministry and Mental Health Branch have failed to sit down and listen to the concerns of the workforce.

The HSU Peer Workers Advisory Committee articulated members’ frustration and concern and made clear demands:

  1. Consultation with the HSU on a framework must happen properly and it must happen immediately.
  2. The agreed framework must be binding on Networks and Districts to prevent the ongoing marginalisation of Peers within the Health workforce.

Minister Jackson made a firm commitment to the first demand, while discussions will continue on the second.

The HSU is now awaiting a response from the Ministry and Mental Health Branch to commence discussions.

The Peer Work Committee has agreed to hold a mass members meeting in November to provide a full update to all members on progress and get your views. Keep an eye out for your invite.

Know someone who isn’t a member? Tell them now is the time to stand up for the Peer Workforce and join your colleagues in telling the Ministry “We won’t wait any longer, Framework and Award now!”

New members can join at www.hsu.asn.au/join or call 1300 478 679.