Industrial bans starting today for PTS management

After last week’s stop work meeting, HSU members affected by the PTS Management Restructure voted to put on bans.

These bans have been put on due to HealthShare’s indifference to members’ concerns about the Management Restructure. As was repeated throughout consultation, members are particularly concerned with the WHS status of the Operations Lead role. Members have observed serious safety concerns relating to likely burnout and role overload. These are psychosocial hazards that should have been addressed during the consultation stage but have been neglected by HealthShare.

Further, HSU members maintain that direct appointments for substantive position holders, and those with a claim to permanency to their roles, should be subject to direct appointments.

Starting today, members will be taking the below action.

Deployments members will ban the following:

  1. Actioning the Warning & Error Report. However, members will be actioning matters that will affect employees’ pay.
  2. Sending out deployment numbers to hubs.
  3. Sending out ADO and excess leave reports.

In addition, members in Deployments will work to rule. This includes finishing on time and taking their break entitlements.

Operations members (management) will be banning the following:

  1. No backfilling of shifts. The Operations management team will not progress any backfilling of planned or unplanned leave. This duty will be referred elsewhere in the organisation.
  2. Attendance in deployment related meetings, or meetings related to staffing numbers or leave updates.
  3. Participation in any WOW meetings with LHD flow management.

In addition, members in Operations will be working to rule. This includes taking all break entitlements, being unavailable during break times and refusing to undertake any unpaid overtime.

The bans will be removed if HealthShare agrees to the following:

  1. Put a hold on the implementation of the Management Restructure until such time as HealthShare has conducted a comprehensive WHS risk assessment on the Operations Lead role; and
  2. Directly appoint substantive position holders and acting employees with a claim to permanency to their relevant positions in the new structure.

If you have any questions regarding the bans, please contact your local HSU delegate.