JHH: Admin survey results, call for Admin delegates

The results of the HSU’s survey of Administration members at John Hunter Hospital are in. Unfortunately, they highlight a shocking reality around workloads and understaffing.

The survey had a great participation rate, with very similar results from almost all respondents. It’s clear that this is a widely felt issue.

Key takeaways:

  • 96% of surveyed Administration staff believe they are understaffed.
  • 98% of surveyed Administration staff believe delays in recruitment increase workloads and their ability to provide the best patient care possible.
  • 92% believe patient care has been compromised by understaffing.
  • 79% of surveyed staff have been pressured to perform higher grade duties without compensation.
  • 80% of surveyed staff are prepared to take industrial action to improve the situation.

Call for delegates

Following these concerning results, the HSU is now putting out on an urgent call for delegates to ensure the Hospital’s administrative staff are fully represented, and to discuss strategies to resolve these issues.

With these delegates’ guidance, the HSU intends to write a list of demands which will be voted upon at a meeting for all Admin staff later this month.

If you would like to represent your fellow workers’ concerns, please contact your HSU Organiser at [E-Mail not displayed].