How does Harbison's pay offer stack up?

Simple answer – not good. And that’s why you should vote NO.

Harbison are offering one of the lowest pay increases across the aged care sector.

Harbison’s offer to you is:

  • 2% wage increase from the first full pay period from 1 Jan 2021, back dated to the first full pay period from 1 July 2020. 
  • 2% wage increase from the first full pay period from 1 July 2022.

That is just a 4% wage increase across three years.

Most other providers are offering more generous increases. Many are also preparing to bargain, which means their pay rates will likely be higher over the next two years.

Let’s see how Harbison’s pay increase compares.

Now let’s compare a Care Service Employee with a Cert III.

If other organisations can offer better pay to their staff, why can’t Harbison?

You deserve a real pay increase. The only way to do that is to vote NO to get Harbison to improve their pay offer.

Next steps

If a majority of staff vote ‘NO’, the agreement will not be accepted and bargaining for a new agreement will continue.

Harbison are threatening to walk away from negotiations staff vote ‘no’. This threat is unfair and is a breach of good faith bargaining.

The Fair Work Commission is clear:

If a proposed enterprise agreement has been voted on and a majority of employees do not approve the agreement, the bargaining process can continue until such time as a majority of employees vote to approve the agreement.

It’s time to Vote NO

Harbison are offering a poor pay deal that is one of the worst in the aged care sector.

Harbison have failed to listen to the important issues that HSU members raised.

It’s time to stand together and call on Harbison to respect to HSU members and our concerns. It’s time to vote NO.