New Year, New Award

  • Published December 21, 2023
  • Industries

ADHSU members are feeling rightfully proud, knowing that the hard work of the last few years has today culminated in one of the biggest public sector pay increases ever in New South Wales.

The Industrial Relations Commission handed down the new Award earlier today, which will see paramedics receive an average pay increase of 25% by July 2026. 

Members can read through the new Award in its entirety HERE

This outcome reflects the years of hard work put in by delegates and members across the state. Every countdown photo, chalk slogan, red t-shirt, rally cry and union meeting led to this pay increase, which will soon bring NSWA paramedics up to parity with their Queensland colleagues.  

Finally, it was the massive risk taken by over 2000 paramedics who pledged to boycott their professional registration through to January 1 that pushed the government to act and stop the tide of paramedics leaving NSW for other states. While ADHSU members know that the path towards true professional recognition and reforms still lies ahead, this has been a welcome relief. 

In 2024, ADHSU members and delegates will continue to push on local and statewide issues, but for now members should enjoy a period of rest and recuperation.