PTOs walk off the job until 6am Saturday

HealthShare Patient Transport Services does not run without the hard work of union members. This fact seems to be lost on the bosses and faceless consultants responsible for this latest round of roster reform.

Not only are HSU PTOs being sold an unfair and unworkable roster as “signed off by the unions”, but the new Labor government has not shared a framework for removing the public sector wages cap. Hard working union members cannot continue to tiptoe around these issues while the price of everything continues to rise.

Enough is enough. This morning at a 9am stop work meeting, PTOs voted to walk off the job until the first day shift tomorrow, 6am Saturday 29 April. 95% of those attending voted to fight for better wages and conditions, knowing that this fight isn’t only for PTOs, but their fellow union members in PTS dispatch and their colleagues across all of health. While those in power continue to drag their feet, HSU members will continue to use their collective voice to push the pressure back onto those at the highest levels.