Statewide Security Update
Published May 5, 2022
Security staff across the state have been continuing to implement the resolutions passed at the HSU security members meeting.
However, hospital management have also been pressuring security staff to put themselves in harm’s way while continuing to understaff the department. HSU Secretary Gerard Hayes will be meeting with the NSW Government in the coming weeks to discuss the urgent need for the implementation of the Anderson report into security in Hospitals.
Until the Government takes decisive action to protect the safety of security staff union members are urged to uphold the resolutions passed by security staff at their union meeting.
- HSU members will comply at all times with the protecting people and property NSW Health policy. This policy requires a minimum five-person response, led by a clinician, for a code black or aggression response.
- HSU members will only participate in a code black or aggression response if members have received training mandated by NSW Health - the Violence, Prevention & Management of Aggression (PMVA).
- HSU members will only undertake companioning/specialling of patients that have been identified as posing a risk of violence and or aggression in the presence of an appropriate clinician. This is in line with NSW Health Policy, protecting people and property.
To help other hospital staff understand the role of security staff, you can find a poster at this link to print off and put up in your hospital.