SWSLHD Primary & Community Health: Allied Health Update

Last Friday September 17, your Organiser Gina Agius and four HSU member representatives from Primary and Community Health met with senior SWSLHD executives. The meeting was called to negotiate changes to members’ return to work schedule, to raise issues regarding conditions, and most importantly to address the widely-felt lack of communication and inconsistent messaging from management.

Your HSU representatives were focused and direct in their pursuit of equitable outcomes. Thanks to this, the meeting was a productive one.

It was agreed at the meeting that HR will send out a memo setting out the transition of staff currently working from home back to the workplace over two weeks, including the below:

  • Flexible Work Arrangements for staff with special requirements
  • A buddy system for the first shift
  • One week on/one week off roster
  • Reallocation/Self-care following a challenging call
  • An onsite person at both sites to provide drop in sessions/debrief
  • Clear guidelines regarding what indicates escalation
  • A COVID-Safe Plan
  • Safe cleaning guidelines to be sent to staff
  • Improved communication from management so that members receive consistent and clear messaging about their roles. Above all, HSU members must be permitted to provide feedback about expectations and changes that are implemented with little or no notice.

Well done to HSU members for making a stand and demanding better. If you know someone who hasn’t yet joined the Union, tell them what we can achieve when we stand together. New members can join at www.hsu.asn.au/join or call 1300 478 679.