Update: Bans on Cross Sector Staff Movements and DOM Participation

  • Published December 8, 2021
  • Industries

Following the newsletter of 12 November, ADHSU bans on cross sector staff movements in Metro remain firm. Members report that these bans are gaining momentum as we continue to expose a practice that prioritises saving money ahead of the safety and welfare of paramedics and patients.

The response from ADHSU members – both Paramedics and DOMs – in maintaining the bans has been tremendous, with multiple crews refusing unnecessary movements. However, ADHSU has received feedback that the Service continues to pressure Paramedics and managers into cross sector movements. The Service continues to prop up the unproven Divisional staffing model, which was never agreed to by ADHSU, nor put to members for consultation.

In the last few weeks, we have received reports of:

  • Multiple unnecessary movements across Metro
  • Minimum Sector levels not being maintained despite staff being available to fill vacancies
  • Decisions arising from the Metro-PAR process not even being communicated to control centres
  • Paramedics getting called to cover shifts as late as 90 mins prior to the start of shift and not being able to plan rest
  • Senior Managers not respecting DOMs’ decision to support the bans (remember that 40 metro DOMs responded to the survey!)

If you have had a bad experience and have been sent into another sector for the shift, please email your local delegate or contact the HSU directly with details, including where you started, where you were sent, missed cribs and any extension of shift overtime. Together, members can win a return to the sector-based deployment model and keep paramedics safer while they are serving their communities.

Link to script: https://www.hsu.asn.au/assets/Uploads/Newsletter-attachments/PAR-script.pdf.