Westmead ICPMR Disabled Access: Solution found!

Yesterday, your HSU delegates and representatives held a meeting with the Westmead Executive to raise members’ concerns about the lack of disabled access to the Hospital for those using the disabled parking areas in the ICPMR carpark.

Delegates were able to express their concerns directly to the Executive during the meeting, and we are now pleased to announce an agreement was reached which will allow members using the disabled carpark spaces easier access to the building.

This issue may only affect a small number of workers, but this is an important win nevertheless. We must all be able to access our workplace comfortably and easily. This win not only illustrates the effectiveness of the Union in representing member issues, but also the importance of being an active member of the Union to ensure issues are raised and dealt with. Congratulations to those involved!

If you have any questions or would like to know more about being active in your Union, please contact your HSU delegates or Organiser via [E-Mail not displayed] or 0425 181 361.

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